Heterodox Academy seeks to expand our Tools and Resource Library with new and innovative ways to promote open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement on campuses, in disciplines, and in communities.

We are specifically interested in materials that empower educators, administrators, and students to act within their local contexts. These materials should be designed for a specific function, be outcome-oriented, and relevant to HxA’s mission. Additionally, we ask that submitted materials are easily to use, adaptable, and are drawn from experience and experimentation from active practitioners in the field.

There are many examples of what could fit these criteria to be successful materials for our library. We encourage you to browse our existing offerings to get a sense of what we have included thus far. Examples include:

  • Classroom Activities (e.g., Creating Connections for Deep Discussion, Virtual FreeIC Classroom Session)
  • Workshops or trainings (e.g., new faculty development session, Center for Teaching and Learning workshop)
  • Programs (e.g., speaker series, orientation program)
  • Best Practices (e.g., hiring committee guidelines, journal editor’s approach to selecting reviewers)
  • Policies (e.g., policy in a student handbook about freedom of expression, required language for faculty job ads)
  • Full Courses and Model Syllabi (e.g., SOC 396: Free Speech, Viewpoint Diversity, and Higher Education)
  • Course Content (e.g., module or unit about academic freedom, book discussion guide)
  • Surveys and Metrics (e.g., the Campus Expression Survey)

Submissions will be considered on a rolling basis and will be evaluating by the HxA team using these criteria. All accepted submissions will credit the author when posted to the Tools Library.

Any questions about submissions and requests for the submissions forms, should be directed to Kyle at vitale@heterodoxacademy.org