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We want to publish your heterodox perspectives on higher education, academic research, teaching and learning. The HxA Blog is a platform for contributors to advance our mission, share ideas, and model constructive dialogue on higher education relevant issues. 

We welcome original submissions from authors across disciplines and from a range of perspectives through our submission form. All published content must follow the HxA Way, a set of values that fosters robust and constructive engagement across lines of difference. Contributors will be compensated for accepted pieces.

Submission Guidelines

Articles submitted to the HxA blog should explicitly draw connections to higher education and, when appropriate, elements of HxA’s mission. We prioritize articles that have a clear thesis, grab the reader’s attention upfront, and include rigorous citations and evidence.

Articles should be submitted through our submission form in a word document (not a PDF), with citations linked directly in the text, and generally follow AP style.

We accept the following types of articles. Note that Commentary and Research Briefs categories are exclusive to HxA members.

  • Original Essay (~1,500- 2,000 words): Articles of broad and long-standing interest to higher education audiences; heavily cited and rigorously researched. Encompasses prior Pedagogy, Research, and Longform Essay categories.
  • Book Summary or Review (~1,000 words): Interesting reviews or summaries of books on higher education and/or mission-relevant topics; can be on your own book.
  • Commentary (~700-1,000 words; member-only)
    • Letter to the Editor: Brief responses to published HxA essays
    • Opinion: Brief opinion piece on timely topics and events in higher education
  • Research Briefs (~2,000 – 5,000 words; member-only): Research literature reviews on topics of explicit interest to HxA; popular writing style with academic content. If you are interested in publishing this type of piece, please reach out to with a pitch. 

Except in special circumstances, we do not accept articles that have been previously published or are under review elsewhere.

All submissions are subject to review by our editorial team. We will reply to all submissions via email within two weeks but we strive to reply as soon as possible, especially for pieces that are on timely topics. However, due to the volume of submissions or holidays, this is not always possible.

Our Editorial process consists of 1-2 rounds of revisions for Essays. If you are submitting a Commentary piece, we strive for minimal edits, which necessitates high quality initial submissions.


The Fine Print

As a 501c3, Heterodox Academy is legally forbidden from advocating for or against any particular political candidate, political party, legislation, or ballot initiative. Although individual contributors speaking for and as themselves, are not necessarily bound by these restrictions, we are nonetheless generally averse to publishing content that could jeopardize our 501c3 status.

By publishing on The HxA Blog you grant HxA full permission to disseminate the piece on all our channels in a manner we deem best, and consent to your work being freely utilized within the confines of our syndication restrictions and guidelines. All of our blog content falls under a Creative Commons license (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives 4.0 International), allowing it to be syndicated for free, at will, without asking permission from HxA. 


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